Two new Cërclë Mörtuäire releases out soon

We are excited to announce we have two new cassette releases from the infamous Cërclë Mörtuäire coming out soon:

DÉGÉNÉRÉSCENCE - Alchemist Moon Academia
A stunning, wild trip that takes you out on a explosive night through an acid rain-filled Tokyo landscape. An experimental and indie black metal sound that’s loaded with samples, DJ effects and more. Just pure joy and fun is being had while recording this as the listener is thrown into this unique new world that they create... Welcome to the ALCHEMIST MOON ACADEMY!


MIDORAN & CŒUR DORE - Stardust Saga Vol. 1
New cassette edition featuring two unreleased bonus tracks! A mighty collab by these tripped-out acts, bringing their unique blend of heavy yet dreamy blackened metal to new heights. Already considered a classic in their staple, the Stardust Saga continues off the beaten path with a trip that includes field recordings, tekno, folk and the usual obscurity that Midoran and Cœur Doré are known for.

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