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KEYS TO ONEIRIA - Worlds Between LP

KEYS TO ONEIRIA - Worlds Between LP

Dreamy Dungeon Synth. Music by Evergreen, the Keyfinder.
Recorded to some dusty old tapes on a Tascam four track using a Casio CZ 5000, a Microkorg, and some pedals 'midst dreamy and drizzly summer afternoons. With deep reverence for imperfection and tape hiss. Dedicated to Secret Stairways, Black Epheria, and Sunken Grove. Thank you for creating, thank you for existing.


You have discovered a mysterious locked door.
On the door these words are etched:

Deep into dream lie worlds between.
Here you find spellbooks and magic keys.
Explore betwixt, and find your way.
A dreamy wand'ring 'til light of day.


Regular price €25,00
Regular price Sale price €25,00
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